
Showing posts from December, 2011

Love and Respect [Track 22]

This song represents a theme that is present in Lyceum Recordz and that is Love & Respect for women. In this song, I am talking about the ideal girl for me. "She get me high, when i come by." Here, I am talking about how she makes me feel. I'm NOT saying that the girl for me literally gets me high all the time. Instead, I should feel high when I'm around her because her smile makes me wild. Naturally, that makes me want to be closer to her emotionally and sexually (and "make her body cry"). The first verse is about me meeting a girl I'm crazy about and deciding it would be okay if I "fell into her" and became closer. The second verse is me realizing I am in love with this girl because of the way she makes me feel (i.e. "butterflys in my stomach" and a "feel'n of heaven"). The third verse is implicitly stating that we got married and we work on our relationship everyday so we have no problems/frustrations. The fourt

I Love Female Orgasm [Track 21]

Edulution: 21 I Love, Female Orgasm by Lyceum Recordz "We passionate rabbits that ration a habit!" Real lovers are like "passionate rabbits." They love each other so much that all they really feel they ever do is ration the time that they get together (to have sex); because otherwise, they would 'do it' constantly. So, in order for it to be easier and acceptable to fornicate as they wish (i.e. constantly) they refashion their lives "to have it" so that everyday feels like the Sabbath. I used the Sabbath here because I'm basically talking about marriage and the Sabbath is a religious holiday that demands believers to rest and copulate. The poem was designed in two parts: Foreplay and Intercourse. Foreplay is the first 4 verses and Intercourse is the last. Like foreplay, the first four verses are fun and playful and gradually get more intense until Intercourse. The first verse is about realizing that you and you're pa

Hey! [Track 20]

Edulution: 20 Hey! by Lyceum Recordz Hey! is a poem that is about finding a compatible mate; rather than strictly just someone who is physically attractive. A bazaar is an old and universal term meaning store or market. I am trying to paint a picture of an older black woman named Charese who comes over to me from across the bar to try and 'pick me up' for the night. She is smart and open minded! She shocks me by being selfless, buying a couple drinks just to have a good time, and dedicating them to cleaning up the gulf--which, when I wrote this, was being filled with Oil by the BP spill. However, it is impossible to ignore that she is looking at me with wanting eyes. Source Eventually, after the drink settled in, I make up my mind to pursue a one night stand and go home with this beautiful cougar. We stumbe into a taxi falling all over eachother and fornicating in such a mannor that the driver gets a show of affection on the way there. Upon arriving at her

Act 6: Love, Tracks 20 - 22

Act 6, Love (of Edulution ):  Super-hoe , Hey , and then I Love Female Orgasm is a progression of poems that I call "The Road to  Monogamy " because it tries to show, through blunt honesty, that being with someone you love is better because it is more fulfilling. Starting with  narcissism  at  Puss and Cush the poems  gradually  get more  altruistic until we come to Love and Respect which is the musical    equivalent     of both poems Hey! and I Love Female Orgasm . (Just like Puss and Cush is the musical equivalent of the Superhoe poem.)    20.  Hey! 21.  I Love, FemaleOrgasm 22. Love & Respect The EDULUTION ALBUM is available on BandCamp , iTunes . and Amazon mp3 ! You can find Lyceum Recordz on Facebook , YouTube , and SoundCloud . Visit my other blogs: Lyceum Recordz , Occupy Hip-Hop and The Psychosocial Philosopher Hey! is a poem that is about finding a compatible mate; rather than strictly just someone who is physically attractive. I Love, Female Orgasm i

Superhoe [Track 19]

Edulution: 19 Superhoe [E$] by Lyceum Recordz I am a big fan of KRS-One and he has a song called super-hoe where the lyric is "Scott La Rock had a ball! He is the superhoe." So I am paying my respects with the lyric “Like Scott La Rock, when I rock I never stop.” ( Source ) E$ , the Superhoe , is Ryan Gosling’s character in “Crazy. Stupid. Love.” It’s almost exactly what I was thinking of. E$ has his way with women because he can... He is hansom, charming, rich, has good taste with impeccable dress and a repoire that leaves women whimsical with a mind-set wanting the priledge of engaging in sex with ‘such a remarkable’ and, quiet dazzling, counterpart. That, and the girl really just wants to have promiscuous and uninhibited sex with a man she finds incredibly attractive. Like railed, hard! The problem comes when the two hot, passionate lovers come to know eachother.  She tought he was a banker (hence his implicitly and inexplicably rich decor) and he just w

Puss and Cush [Track 18]

Most hip-hop “artists” today are really just craftsmen. They make, package, and sell a product that is meant to, not reflect on society and say something genuine or orginal, but capture a wide audience by bantering to popular and meaningless subject matter which entertains the gross incompetence of an under-educated populous. That’s great if you are trying to JUST sell records (otherwise known as your soul) but it takes more skill to try and create something that has both intrinsic value and a desirable aesthetic.  “It takes skill to be real, time to heal each other.” - 2pac, “Changes” Many can create an act for a show; or act so that people are entertained. But, very few can make people fall in love with the person you really are. Apollo is me, and E$ is the act or gimmick which I design to be hated and disliked (i.e. how I get your attention). “I’ve created a monster, cause no one wants to see Marshal no more, they want Shady, I’m chopped liver.” - Eminem, “Without Me” E$ is lite

E$ [Track 17]

E$ is the aggregate of Apollo and Dionysus but only rationally cynical, emotionally scared, and expresses his guarded contempt with passions taken to an extreme. He’s not right, he’s not wrong, he just says it because that’s who he is and that’s how he feels. It’s off the cuff, raw, and real. He is a product of society, has no remourse, is not sorry, will do it again, and absolutely dying for further confrontation! The Simpsons ( Source ) “When I say don’t think about bunnies, you think about bunnies... so don’t think about...” a bunch of random things that paint a crazy portrait of reckless hedonism. With "Sunny rape'n Cher in Philidelphia"  I was thinking about “Always Sunny in Philadelphia” and the popularity of cynical comedy. …’tear’n hair in Shelbyville, smoke salvia in Homie’s home, with Homer’s poems, and some sober Noam.” This lyric is referring to the number one longest running cartoons, the Simpson's. Shelby-ville is the

Act 5: Digression, Tracks 17-19

Act 5: Digression (of Edulution ) is the point in the album where the narrator (Apollo) turns from educating his audience to acting like those he detests. In other words, he becomes a childish, self-centered, money hungry, misogynistic pig. The difference between an art and a craft is that art is designed to reveal how the artist feels about the world and then presents a story or picture that highlights the moral, cultural, or societal issues that s/he feels should to be illuminated. A craft is the construction of materials for it’s user that is custom tailored to their liking. Just think of a large log; an artist would probably widle the wood into a statue to be admired, but a craftsmen would probably use the wood to build a couple pieces of furniture to sell and make capital.  17. E$ 18. Puss & Cush (Nintendo) 19. Superhoe The EDULUTION ALBUM is available on BandCamp , iTunes . and Amazon mp3 ! You can find Lyceum Recordz on Facebook , YouTube , and SoundCloud . Visit my other

Edulution [Track 16]

Edulution: 16 Edulution by Lyceum Recordz The “Edulution” track is the “capstone” track which seriously explores and criticizes American culture. It encapsulates and associates our humanity to the various topics by making us more humble in self-reflection. The words are so potent that it feels “toxic, noxious.” “We need Apollo not Dionysus. Cause a ruckus, wake the public, get pissed and riot; I’m non-violent unless you wanna fight, bitch.” These lyrics represent the Apollonian vs. Dionysian dicotomy. Apollo is non-violent but Dionysus (more like E$ ) is ready to provoke a fight. Source The first verse is a tribute to the legendary hip-hop group “Grand Master Flash and the Furious Five,” who is known for their song “The Message.” This song is seen as the quintessential representation of what hip-hop should be... a genre of music that explores and illuminates life and culture, and sends a positive message. Sending a message that is conscious and culturally re