Act 6: Love, Tracks 20 - 22

Act 6, Love (of Edulution): Super-hoe, Hey, and then I Love Female Orgasm is a progression of poems that I call "The Road to Monogamy" because it tries to show, through blunt honesty, that being with someone you love is better because it is more fulfilling. Starting with narcissism at Puss and Cush the poems gradually get more altruistic until we come to Love and Respect which is the musical  equivalent  of both poems Hey! and I Love Female Orgasm. (Just like Puss and Cush is the musical equivalent of the Superhoe poem.)  

20. Hey!
Hey! is a poem that is about finding a compatible mate; rather than strictly just someone who is physically attractive.
I Love, Female Orgasm is a poem about how to pleasure women. 
Love and Respect is a song about finding my ideal mate. 


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