
Showing posts from November, 2011

Address to the Nation [Track 09]

Address to the Nation is a poetic and elegant way of saying that the problem in America is that we put money over country/society. Since this poem opens the Peace act it is more directed toward opposing material wealth and it’s exploits in order to make a conscious and ethical decision. “We must curve the excesses of aberration, the heart need striation.” Aberration in this sense was used to mean “unsoundness or disorder of the mind.” And, I am referring to material excess that we must fight because it leaves our mind in 'disorder.' What America really needs is a cultural awakening where morality, ethics, and things like honor play a larger roll (i.e. the public “heart” needs striation/direction).   What has really happened in America is that we have adopted the shallow materialistic mentality that has become ingrained in the cultural ethos thanks to constant depictions of happiness being associated with wealth and material goods

Act 3: Peace, Tracks 9 - 12

Act 3: Peace (of Edulution ) is self-explanatory and explores the reasons why America has become such a militaristic nation.     9. Address to the Nation 10. The Death of War 11. JFK 12. The Rebirth of Hope The EDULUTION ALBUM is available on BandCamp , iTunes . and Amazon mp3 ! You can find Lyceum Recordz on Facebook , YouTube , and SoundCloud . Visit my other blogs: Lyceum Recordz , Occupy Hip-Hop and The Psychosocial Philosopher Address to the Nation  explores the reason why America is so materialistic and prone to war.  The Death of War is about ending the propagation of war by realizing it is a profit driven motivation.  JFK is a sound clip from John F. Kennedy that is edited to provided the most pertinent information pertaining to the overall topic of Edulution.   The Rebirth of Hope track expands upon the assasinations JFK, MLK, and RFK.

The Corporation [Track 08]

  The Corporation is a song about exposing the economic model that the corporation functions from. The information and inspiration comes largely from the international award winning documentary called “The Corporation” ( In the documentary they outline that (thanks to the supreme court and the 14th Amendment) corporations have become legal persons. The only difference is that these “persons” have immense influence, control, and power but cannot be held responsible for their actions.Share holders hold no liability and financial fines are capped so the corporation (effectively) gets away with following a detrimental economic model that manifests itself as environmental degradation. It is my firm conviction that our economic model is a sham for the super-rich! We have designed an economic function to attain capital that supports rampant consumption and infinite expansion in a finite world. A goal of an overall increase in per capita GDP by 3% eac

For the Rupublic (Tiberius Gracchus) [Track 07]

Edulution: 07 For the Republic (Tiberius Gracchus) - Apollo, Lyceum Recordz by Lyceum Recordz Disclaimer :  In my music and poetry Tiberius Gracchus is more of a mentality or character than an accurate representation of who Tiberius was as a historical figure.   For the Rupublic ( Tiberius Gracchus ) is an intense lyrical spoken word poem, ultimately about exposing the truth and condemning those threatening the American democratic republic. Problems in America are therefore unabashedly explained with a vindictive tone and condescending rhetoric. “Amputate antecedence, leave regents in grievance” is the same as saying; I will remove/cut/truncate those who govern or are in power because I am a disobedient intellectual (“heathan of reason”) who will “poetically defeat men” that act in a hedonistic fashion (i.e. immediate self-gratification) and with a disregard for humanity and their fellow man. In the For

Tiberius Gracchus

Tiberius Gracchus is best known for his work as a plebeian tribune during the Roman republic (2nd Century BCE). He attained this position after serving in the military. Although of noble birth, Tiberius was cast out of ever having a position in the roman senate due to his negotiations in war. After an unsuccessful military campaign Tiberius and his soldiers were surronded and forced into negotiations with the enemy. Instead of watching his fellow soldiers slaughtered Tiberius signed a peace treaty on behalf of Rome, in exchange for the lives of his fellow military men. When Tiberius returned home to the senate they were outraged that he would disgrace Rome in such a manor. At the time, the Roman senate saw excellency in military prowess, fortitude, and the ability to conquer. However, Tiberius saw greatness in honor and honestly, believing that the lives of those Romans were worth more to Rome than the dishonor that would be associated with the retreat. 

Robin Hood [Track 06]

Robin Hood is about real life heroes whose actions align with that of the merry men.  T he strategy for aesthetics and cadence were laid down for this song before the conceptualization of the lyrical content began. From the start, I wanted this song to be about “The Hero’s Journey” (as Joseph Champbell would put it)... while also being a song people could embrace and dance too. The hook compares MLK, Gandhi, and Socrates, while the verses illuminate their connection to Robin Hood (the mythological  character) and contemporary American society!     The intro makes reference to Obie Trice’s album Cheers, and his rather ambiguous placement in Eminem’s song "Without Me" were Mr.Mathers says “And Moby, you can get stomped by Obie.” I think Eminem is saying that the confrontation is not worth his time but he will send Obie Trice to cause physical pain. However, I’m using the reference to say that beef/argument is  irrelevant/bologna--a

M.V.P. (Most Venerable Poet) [Track 5]

Edulution: 05 M.V.P. (Most Venerable Poet) - Apollo, Lyceum Recordz by Lyceum Recordz “M.V.P. (Most Venerable Poet)” starts the Unity act because it makes a statement that these words were written to have historical relevance and meaning. Fredrick Neitzsche had an idea that man was only a bridge, only a segue to a more sentient being, and he called the new species pinnacle, Ubermensch. Ubermensch litterally means the superior, or super, Man (and yes Jerry Siegel based the comic book character off Neitzsche).  "My flow is Neitzche’s, I’m a whole different species!  I got fang and tusks, I’m dangerous!” “M.V.P.” is dedicated to Howard Zinn for his book, “A People’s History of the United States.” It presents a narrative of proletariat struggle and stratification created by bourgeois hedonism, while criticizing and supporting educational reform and public discourse. There are historical, popular culture, and hip-hop references laced-in throughout the poem.  M

Act 2: Unity, Tracks 5 - 8

Act 2: Unity starts the message of Lyceum Recordz and should be read as follows through the remaining acts of Edulution :  Unity--which is portrayed in the act as the attainment of equality--is ultimately obtained through peace(ful protests) which comes from changing your world view and behaving appropriately to make progressive changes. In order to achieve such goals we must accept truth (whatever it may be) and understand there is a time and place for shenanigans and digression. And, the love we share (most commonly exemplified by intimate romantic involvement) is the only real solution to what ales our society. This means protecting education and the vitality of history ( M.V.P. ). Popularizing philosophy and paying homage to great heroes ( Robin Hood ). Acting aggressively toward those who are trying to stand in the way of our goals (For the Republic ). And, unify by understanding we have a common enemy that is degrading our environment and way of life ( The Corporation ). 5.  M.

Apollo [Track 04]

“ Apollo ” is the introduction to the body of work in which I am about to present--i.e. the thoughts and concerns of a psychosocial philosopher . In effect, I am saying, now that you have sufficiently understood my skill set (after act 1), we can now proceed to what is important... which is unity, peace, truth, and (after a digression) love. The EDULUTION ALBUM is available on BandCamp , iTunes . and Amazon mp3 ! You can find Lyceum Recordz on Facebook , YouTube , and SoundCloud . Visit my other blogs: Lyceum Recordz , Occupy Hip-Hop and The Psychosocial Philosopher

Apollo vs. Dionysus (The Dichotomy Explained)

Apollonian and Dionysian is a literary, philosophical, and/or psychological concept that represents the figurative dichotomy between Apollo and Dionysus in Greek Mythology. Apollonian thought is concerned with logic, rationality, perfection, art, beauty, clarity, self-control, humanity, and creation. While Dionysian is prone to excess, instinct, chaos, intoxication, destruction, passion, nature, the irrational, and the illogical. Friedrick Nietzsche expands upon this concept in The Birth of Tragedy where the hero and main protagonist of the drama tries to make order (Apollonian) out of his unfair and chaotic (Dionysus) fate. Apollo’s Music and Dionysus Rhythm represent the Apollonian and Dionysian forces. Apollo’s Music is an introduction of content and an overly chauvinistic style of lyricism that displays an eclectic vocabulary that would take a dictionary or years of education to fully grasp in meaning. And Dionysus Rhythm is designed to evoke an energetic relateability while be