Address to the Nation [Track 09]
Address to the Nation is a poetic and elegant way of saying that the problem in America is that we put money over country/society. Since this poem opens the Peace act it is more directed toward opposing material wealth and it’s exploits in order to make a conscious and ethical decision. “We must curve the excesses of aberration, the heart need striation.” Aberration in this sense was used to mean “unsoundness or disorder of the mind.” And, I am referring to material excess that we must fight because it leaves our mind in 'disorder.' What America really needs is a cultural awakening where morality, ethics, and things like honor play a larger roll (i.e. the public “heart” needs striation/direction).
What has really happened in America is that we have adopted the shallow materialistic mentality that has become ingrained in the cultural ethos thanks to constant depictions of happiness being associated with wealth and material goods. Truly, “the material, turned ethereal (i.e. intangible mentality), now we’re winter in soul.” Polis means city or city-state and the Acropolis refers to the aggregate and pinnacle of Ancient Greek government. “The Polis on the hill, an Acropolis it is still, is still to the movement’s of tragic issuance.” I am saying that America is still a great super power but it will fail unless we strive for peace and end the entrenchment our government has in war through the military-industrial-complex.
The EDULUTION ALBUM is available on BandCamp, iTunes. and Amazon mp3!
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Visit my other blogs: Lyceum Recordz, Occupy Hip-Hop and The Psychosocial Philosopher
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