M.V.P. (Most Venerable Poet) [Track 5]

Edulution: 05 M.V.P. (Most Venerable Poet) - Apollo, Lyceum Recordz by Lyceum Recordz
“M.V.P. (Most Venerable Poet)” starts the Unity act because it makes a statement that these words were written to have historical relevance and meaning. Fredrick Neitzsche had an idea that man was only a bridge, only a segue to a more sentient being, and he called the new species pinnacle, Ubermensch. Ubermensch litterally means the superior, or super, Man (and yes Jerry Siegel based the comic book character off Neitzsche). 
"My flow is Neitzche’s, I’m a whole different species! I got fang and tusks, I’m dangerous!”
“M.V.P.” is dedicated to Howard Zinn for his book, “A People’s History of the United States.” It presents a narrative of proletariat struggle and stratification created by bourgeois hedonism, while criticizing and supporting educational reform and public discourse. There are historical, popular culture, and hip-hop references laced-in throughout the poem.  Matt Damon narrates Zinn’s audio book and documentary about “A People’s History…” Jigga is Jay-Z and Big-L is an underground hip-hop legend (that died in 1997) who has a song/poem called “MVP (Most Valuable Poet).”

The EDULUTION ALBUM is available on BandCamp, iTunes. and Amazon mp3!
You can find Lyceum Recordz on Facebook, YouTube, and SoundCloud.


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