Mind Control [Track 13]

"None are more helplessly enslaved than those who faslely believe they are free." - Johann Wolfgang Goethe 
Mind Control picks up where The Rebirth of Hope left off. The intro sets the stage for the song's intensity and creates an allure that the listener is not going to necessarily like what s/he hears, but it is necessary to recognize because people are playing with your mind like it is a Nintendo game. The use of the word 'Nintendo' here is suppose to be as an inter-connecting reference to "Puss & Cush (Nintendo)." 

The first verse touches on the reality of conspicuous consumption, how it is promoted by the corporation, and then continues to be perpetuated by mass conformity. This pursuit for material wealth has us to the point of having trash heaps which leach methane gas. 
The second verse is a whole mess of knowledge and information crammed into 16 bars! Pluralistic Ignorance is an illusory group correlation where the actual popular opinion is thought to be the minority view. Cognitive Dissonance is holding two contradicting ideas simultaneously without realizing it. It is often a product of environmental forces and manifests itself as rationalizing and/or justifying unfortunate event in life.

Not only does JFK literally talk about a conspiracy against the public, so does Carol Quiggley in his book "Hope and Tragedy." Quiggley was a well respected professor and teacher to Bill Clinton who attended classes of his at Georgetown. I am recognizing that the Warren Commission and 9/11 (Building 7) demolition happened but they are irrelevant to the aftermath which, in the case of 9/11, was the patriot act. Along with the Patriot Act, Citizen United--which basically lets corporations buy elections wholesale--is a classic example of George Orwell's concept of 'double speak' from his book "1984."

In 1913 both the Federal Reserve and the Federal Income Tax were established. "Money Changers" is a biblical reference. Jesus threw the Money Changers out of the Temple for trying to corner the market on a half shilling and selling it to the churches followers for an absorbent cost. International bankers is what James Madison called men who tried to set-up central banking systems. (For more on this topic see The Federal Reserve, A History on the Psychosocial Philosopher Blog
Smedley Butler
Most people don't know that there was an assassination attempt on Franklin D. Roosevelt by wealthy capitalist who tried to convince Smedley Butler, one of the most widely decorated military men in American history, to rally veterans and (literally) over-throw the United States government. 

The CFR refers to the Council on Foreign Relations which is a group of important figures in business and industry congregating to talk about foreign policy. In conspiracy theory circles it is seen as the apex of a secret society conspiring against the public in a kind-of seemingly harmless multi-billion dollar corporation "chamber of commerce" club. I mention it here because it is rather "shady" and exemplifies an unpopular warning from Adam Smith: 
“People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.”

Americans have to stop saying that George Bush won the 2000 election because he did not!. LOOK AT THE FACTS. And the fact is that George Bush lost the popular vote to Gore and was then appointed by the Supreme Court to the presidency (which was unprecedented). 

We don't have to look any farther than the Bush family, and how the Bush administration (basically) operated with impunity while they were in power , to understand who really has control in America. 

It's simple really. The influences that Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about--and the entities JFK tried to shut down--used their power, wealth, and resources to first control our money supply, then neutralize threats to their power, and then put leaders into power that were sympathetic to their rule/ideology. Is it really that outlandish? Have you ever heard of the Quiggley, Butler, the CFR, or pluralistic ignorance before now? 

This is what I mean by Mind Control: the systematic manipulation of a mental picture that paints society as a free republic by omitting evidence that portrays a plutocratic elite who rule as an aristocracy. 

Just think of ideas or information as a tree. 
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
"That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin 


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